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Mana is not enough .relationresultExporta Li Haofeng eyes suddenly appearing a little black gas, sweet day ,devouring a law ,all of a sudden ,Li Haofeng emerged a billowing black gas, immediately around Belot body .
relationresultJust one breath,Belot et al. The body is melted ,into the billowing black gas rapidly into Li Haofeng body .relationresultThephagocytosis of * * is somewhat similar to the Lin Feng of weather ,but the weather is ,Lin Feng can speak outside energy into her body ,increase their own strength ,and phagocytosis of * * is only temporary phagocytosis ,unable to reconcile heterogeneous energy ,than the weather .
relationresultHowever,a temporary increase in their strength is enough !relationresultBuzzing!relationresultThe sun and the moonas the baby suddenly emerge fan countless black ,a little bit of the thunder light phagocytosis ,into Li Haofeng force .
relationresultRumble!relationresultLi Haofengbody suddenly came a series of explosions ,frightening voice reverberating throughout the world ,Li Haofeng grip ,hundreds of millions of road rage erupted like purple ,dragon roar ,circling, together ,is a nine midge Dragon Air lightning excessive immortal sword ,Kowloon thunder sword !relationresultLi Haofengbarely repressed conflicts energy ,to raising the Kowloon thunder sword ,www.monsters-ol.com,the sword ,contains the supreme thunder will, which belongs to the class of innate lingbao .
relationresultWoman ,who also won today you give me go die ! Li Haofeng shouted angrily ,sword ,suddenly numerous thunder purple fire burning burning burning fire ,thunder roared ,and all ,instantly came to the top of Zhao Feifeng .
relationresultHungtemple !relationresultZhaoFei tender for a sound ,immediately behind the show a huge palace ,the palace is brilliant ,the momentum is happening, radiant rays stabs ,Xiaguang is just a little shock ,immediately the terrible thunder fire was fierce to disperse .
You don Li Haofeng thoroughly shocked ,Zhao Feifeng grabbed the nine nine world ultimate sword ,the cold opening: Lee Mandarin ,who won ,you give me the good die ! , relationresultNine nine extreme,Che-hung mirage !relationresultZhaoFeifeng sneer, between instantly, Che-hung house quickly expanded ,the blink of an eye is a unique world ,Li Haofeng in the Mongolian palace ,suddenly felt himself realized that the rule in this moment ,it is completely lost the role of the general .
relationresultSuppressed!relationresultSuddenly Li Haofengfelt his body so heavy ,watched Zhao Feifeng step by step towards our own way, it is an enormous pressure enveloped in the heart ,beats by dre cheap.relationresultI haveKowloon thunder sword ,I like the country fan ,I can lose ,can !relationresultLi Haofeng furyII hole - sound ,all mana turbulent outbreak ,inch by inch straight body ,trying my best ,a bitter towards Zhao Feifeng killed the last .
relationresultZhao Feifeng justlaughed, your body gently twist, light 15 from Kowloon thunder sword ,the hands of nine nine world extreme sword gently pick ,moment of the sun and the moon are torn robe of fan blade ,pierce ,bitter thorn into Li Haofeng heart ,cheap beats by dre.
relationresultBorder!relationresultLi Haofengmouth is sprayed a mouthful of blood ,the practice to the immortal economy ,the heart to destroy nothing, however ,Zhao Feifeng the sword is somewhat similar to the Lin Feng of Providence, knife ,the day you want to die ,you have four ,nine nine the same sword .
relationresultDong!relationresultLi Haofengflopped down on his knees ,his mouth still mouth spray blood ,see Zhao Fei said: you ,I promise ,you couldn ,kill me ,my master will kill you, not ,will let you die ,my master but the Puritan leader, gold the immortal quality ,Liu God ,you are doomed ! , relationresultZhao Feifengsmile said : how is that ?Tell you ,my husband is Taoism founder ,from the universe ,the universe you understand ?It is ranked third in the universe ,the universe is more powerful than the universe ,you a Puritan and nothing? , relationresultLi Haofeng pupilhas been gradually lax ,Zhao Feifeng cool opening: you ,Puritanism is definitely not our Taoism opponent ,this upper bound ,we had the taoism ! , relationresultSaid,Zhao Feifeng took a step forward ,the cold opening: still, today you profane in me, even death ,will not let you go ! , relationresultThe speech,Zhao Feifeng sword gently pick ,suddenly a huge head high ,Li Haofeng the last bit of consciousness is also completely disappeared .
relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultThe 390th chapter arrangement ,prepare for war !relationresultthe book !Consumption of three hundred trillion virtues ,concise ,the upper and lower bounds in the gate ! Lin Feng with his cold openings .
, , relationresultMoment,Lin Feng of the gods wish came to the lower bound, to find their own lower bound !relationresultKa0 !relationresultOnLin Feng ideation urge move below ,a door a little concise ,the door with a magical material forging ,is extremely strong ,even if it is Jin Xian Xiu to break is not an easy thing .
relationresultKaII cards !relationresultPuts on thedoor and the door behind his concise ,a disciple of apricot ,is immortal ,cold water ,.Sun Yan ,Yang Haoyu four .relationresultThe disciplessaw the teacher !relationresultTheysee Lin Qi Nabai Fengqi kowtow ,Lin Feng he nodded : ! , relationresultIs!relationresultTheystood up ,Lin Feng carefully looked at four ,Lin Feng in the upper bounds of time is not long ,but has in the past thousands of years ,so long ,four capacity has reached a peak, in fact ,they accumulate enough to break through to the black immortal realm ,but Taoism a door ,for the energy demand far exceeds the needs of ordinary people ,and the lower bounds of the resources are not enough to support them to achieve the black immortal realm .
relationresultLin Feng satisfied witha nod of the head ,it seems necessary to enhance their strength ,the kill Li Haofeng ,has offended the Puritanism ,the Puritan leader Jin Xian Xiu ,than I will come early .
For hundreds of years ,to deal with him ,it really takes not bad Kung Fu ,I can him, and the door this strength compared with him is far .relationresultThink of here,Lin Feng was slightly shook his head ,hand ,suddenly four light heavy into the four disciples of the body .
relationresultRumble!relationresultSuddenlythey heard a body of thunderous bang ,four skill it is rising in the blink of an eye ,has the black immortal started work ,at the same time a rule

