
cnn Twisted tales of the _212

Soldier ,general pike has a silver thorn to cut the body ,breeze let Yang Zheng ,he is a sideways ,evaded the swift as a gun ,with slanted ,soundless and stirless draw to the lower abdomen, Yang kills many days ,the strength of their very understand ,master in the battlefield is not unusual he shut the will .
relationresultBut thiswill kill a halberd was the man flashed past .relationresultYangone pull rope, to look at the silver armor .relationresultTwo peoplerushed up to now, still is the first positive at a glance ,Yang ,stupefied .
relationresultAre you ! , relationresultSilvera general was herd Feiyun ,Wei Rong Eastern army vice commander .relationresultAvice commander ,was sent to the striker post ,Yang Zheng thought, you know ,Fei is because of my own relationship to be banished to the Ramones special here .
relationresultWhen Yang Zhengin the eastern army battle Liwei ,Mu Fei was with in the presence of Yang Zheng ,it can be said that the entire camp ,he is from a to Z see Yang ability of senior generals ,Yang Zheng also is the most respect ,now over half a year ,sleight, two people are in battle .
relationresultBeacon Towerfollowed ,interrupted between two people .relationresultYang Zhengtaiprojects looked ,saw several soldiers have climbed Beacon Tower .At a point above the fire .relationresultYangquickly take a halberd is swept to the Mu Fei ,Fei Mu is also unusual in character ,forced body wind ,waving a gun at a stop ,who know the gun body force is odd ,shook him by the students burst ,crotch horse is sweaty back .
relationresultBy means of therebound force, Yang has to rush to the Beacon Tower .relationresultMuFei to yell : quickly stopped him .Soldiers ,ignition ! , relationresultWeiRong soldiers together .
On yang .relationresultAfter seeingthe less resistance ,Yang Zheng suddenly put down the pike, pumping iron horse bag heavy bow ,he do this bow than ordinary Longbow gross many .The strings are thumb thickness, Yang hand for a while ,an iron arrow was set on the string ,right moment crude rose .
Dress up like a balloon .relationresultAstrange growl .relationresultThe arrowpierced the sky ,screaming to Beacon Tower .relationresultInstantaneous.relationresultBang ! A sound .relationresultArrowthrough the Beacon Tower wall ,a half a meter in diameter deep hole was broken arrows ,stone powder explode .
Outward mase .relationresultThen,the top of Beacon Tower and a scream ,ignition the soldier was like what suddenly hit a bit .The whole cast to the sky .Like a parabola as fiercely fell .
Fall to the ground ,the body of the thoracoabdominal office .Is a cause of scalp hole .relationresultThe followingsoldiers sent outcry voice ,next,cnn, the black cavalry had a mad and Yang ,behind the cavalry arrived .
relationresultMu Feiyunjust glance arrived in cavalry numbers ,Facebook,know that it is all up with tonight .relationresultwe support you, let ! Keep in animal husbandry cloud me are his henchmen ,most faithful .
relationresultRun away, escape where to go . Animal husbandry Feiyun mouth through a wry smile ,because I myself is the Ramones ,active here when stationed sentry tower ,if lost ,he could flee to jade dragon ,will be dealt with when the traitor .
relationresultMongolian gazellecavalry remaining cavalry surrounded .relationresultYang Zhengground containing hidden behind masks ,herd Feiyun him not, but recognize clouds country ace knight ,Mu Fei Yang stared ,resentment and said: your country and mine are allies, why at this time around the opposite .
, relationresultYang Zheng did notanswer him ,changing the voice shouted: lay down your arms ,I can let you live . , relationresultAnimal husbandryFeiyun laugh out loud : our country without fear of Wei Rong people ,want to kill ,google,so what .
, relationresultThe remainingalso end ,a rout is like a landslide .relationresultMuFei eyes red ,suddenly threw forward to ,it is a pity that he and Yang gap is too big ,be a blow gun ,direct strike blacked out .
relationresultYang Zheng used thegun head pointing down at the Shangdi animal husbandry Feiyun ,those who face Charon soldiers light track: urge you to surrender, but also keep your general life .
, relationresultPostthe soldiers being at a loss what to do ,ultimately chose to surrender .relationresultYang Zhengsilently waiting for this group of soldiers laid down their weapons ,then ordered his cavalry they will all be tied up : fifty men stayed at the soldiers ,others to Wei Rongjun , relationresultPeel,wear to the body quickly set ! , relationresultThe airwas filled with a heavy scent ,Mongolian gazelle cavalry soon action ,will defend Shangdi Rong soldier clothes off .
relationresultYang Zheng watched theearth body ,heart and some depression ,these people may have many or all his Eastern when men ,only in the brutality of War features ,all relationships are so fragile ,Yang Zheng does not know his heart is cold or warm blood .
relationresultMongolian gazellecavalry quickly set up ,with just massacred soldier ferocious killer, from the other side of the mountain shade out, it was faintly lit up ,the wind has been blowing wild grass all creeping chaos pendulum .
The cavalry without pause ,a road towards blood view Valley direction full speed .relationresultYang Zheng looked at thesky ,only in daylight penetration before arrived from Yulong Mountain seven miles to the tunnel exit ,to intercept the Ramones .
relationresultFortunately,the sky clouds cover ,gave Yang Zheng more victory .relationresultThreehours later ,Yang Zheng led the demon army appeared in the Yulong mountain near a high hill .
relationresultTwo thousandride on the high places of the past ,outlook .relationresultSure enough,in the two thousand meters ,the blue bird flag fluttering in the wind ,the army of chaos ,even Ray Munster might have thought ,Yang will be a long-distance, through the front tower ,to his home .
Blood last night view Valley war sequelae is very obvious ,the black Wei Rong Jun confusion from the secret passages drilled out ,they could have been from the secret has been returned to the jade dragon .
But Yang guess material they will never walk close road ,most likely in getting rid of Cang Griffin reconnaissance ,halfway from the dense ground a dark hole ,and one of the largest dark is the mouth of Yang Zheng in front of the .
relationresultFrom herethere are seven miles of jade dragon ,it is so bleak harsh ,ERON hill to observe the situation here is impossible .relationresultYang- a moment ,deep voice ordered: wear Wei Rong military soldiers as I walked in the front ,the other soldiers are back ,the team scattered .
Striker group scattered on both sides, about five hundred each ,after enters the camp ,about two columns cover central attacking column wings .The columns in the attacking column by me personally command .
There is only one purpose ,concentrate power in ,be sure to keep a high speed ,can never stop their entanglement .Our advantage is at once . , relationresultReleasecommand finished ,Yang Zheng waved the demon army ,two thousand to ten times their own Wei Rong Jun rush .
relationresultLook, there are people ! , relationresultWeiRong soldiers riots .Look suddenly in his right wing forces .relationresultNow thesecret there is also half of the soldiers did not come out ,out of more than ten thousand Wei Rong dense authentic military exhausted ,chaotic stand together .
Waiting for the secret within the army .relationresultSuddenlysee appeared in the wilderness on the army .The Ramones .A scare .relationresultHelooked .It was too dark ,the wind is so big .
Even the Ramones specially super eyesight can only vaguely see they wear uniforms .relationresultOne of their own ! His heart is loose loose .relationresultThe reason why hedidn vigilance ,a night without sleep ,on any person are affected, even though Ray Munster is just as strong, he thought most of retardation time .
Two ,to the cavalry to thousands, and wears Wei Rong uniforms ,Cang army can possible breakthrough blood view Valley suddenly appeared here .As for the cloud country ,Ray Munster Related articles:

